OCTOBER 4 - 6, 2024
Redwood Christian Park, Boulder Creek, CA

theme: FOLLOW ME

To give you an idea of what to expect, you can check out the schedule and meals from the 2023 retreat below.

COST (per PERSON; meals included):

*Early bird discount requires full payment and valid till Sunday, September 9.

For Family cabins, you will need to bring: i) bed sheets and blanket (or sleeping bag), ii) pillows and iii) bath towels.

Deluxe rooms are first come, first served.

Child care will be provided in the nursery so that parents can attend the sessions.

Please let us know if you need any financial assistance. We don't want the cost to be a deterrent for anyone who wants to attend retreat. 

For questions, please contact Sherman Chan at neighbor@gmail.com


Pastor Steve's spiritual story began when he trusted Christ as his Savior in 1979 at FBC's youth ministry. He joined the staff of FBC in 1985 and became Senior Pastor in 1992. He currently serves on the board of Biblical Ministries Worldwide, a worldwide missions organization, and the Independent Fundamental Churches of America, an international fellowship, and as a chaplain of the local Belmont Police Chaplaincy. He and his wife, Daisy, love family time with their four daughters and two son-in-laws, Brianna & Chris, Karinna & Jordan, Marissa and Calissa. Pastor Steve enjoys swimming and playing piano, and traveling as well, as he loves to see and experience God's work around the world.