
We invite you to join our spiritual family at CCIC, where we seek to grow closer to God through Biblical teaching, prayer, and fellowship, all springing out of Christian love and grace. We want to know Christ and make Him known. Our Sundays consist of worship to God through praise, prayer, and preaching of God's Word. Following that, there is a time of fellowship and greeting before the Sunday School hour, where we study different Christian living topics and the Bible.


Jan 13 - May 5, 2025: Interested in discovering God’s heart for the nations and your role in His global purpose? Sign up for the Perspectives class held at New Beginnings Community Church on Monday evenings. More information here. Apr 19: We invite families with children in 5th grade and under to our Children’s Easter Celebration. The event includes worship songs, Easter stories, crafts, and Easter egg hunts. For more information and to sign up, please go to https://tinyurl.com/ccicsjeaster. Interested in volunteering? Sign up here: https://tinyurl.com/servethiseaster Apr 20: Our subsequent baptism will be held on Easter Sunday. More information here. Jun 16 - 20: Our church's VBS program this summer will run from Monday, June 16 to Friday, June 20 from 9 am to 3 pm, for children entering 1st to 6th grade in Fall 2025. More information here.

To encourage the participation, full functioning, and growth of the Body of Christ, we are inviting all congregants to our in-person worship services on Sundays. Join us to worship the Lord in Sanctuary A at 9:15AM. For those who have unique and/or medical challenges, a video recording of the service will be uploaded to YouTube on Sunday afternoons. We especially want to extend a warm welcome to those who are visiting us. May we together declare with the Psalmist: "Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker" (Psalm 95:6).